------ [INFO] Prepare remote import ---Downloaded files--- The import files for: https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/static-assets.kubiobuilder.com/demo-sites/production/accountant-free-1/content.kds were successfully downloaded! ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: init ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_templates ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_template_parts ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_menus ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_pages ------ [INFO] Imported "Ab in" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Apples" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Aut" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Consequatur" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Dolores qui" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Eveniet temporibus" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Ex accusamus" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Grapes" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Harum" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Mango" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Oranges" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Potatoes" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Sint ut" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Eligendi" (post_tag) ------ [INFO] Imported "Eos" (post_tag) ------ [INFO] Imported "Eos doloribus" (post_tag) ------ [INFO] Imported "Est ea" (post_tag) ------ [INFO] Imported "Molestias officia" (post_tag) ------ [INFO] Imported "Mollitia" (post_tag) ------ [INFO] Imported "Natus" (post_tag) ------ [INFO] Imported "Qui" (post_tag) ------ [INFO] Imported "Sed" (post_tag) ------ [INFO] Imported "Ut" (post_tag) ------ [INFO] Imported "Architecto" (link_category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Autem voluptates" (link_category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Doloremque" (link_category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Eligendi" (link_category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Est" (link_category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Ex" (link_category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Illum" (link_category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Main" (nav_menu) ------ [INFO] Imported "Nobis cumque" (link_category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Omnis ut" (link_category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Qui autem" (link_category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Quia" (link_category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Home" (Page) ------ [INFO] Imported "Blog" (Page) ------ [INFO] Imported "kubio-featured-image" (Media) ------ [INFO] Imported "serv-1-adult-beautiful-beauty-826349" (Media) ------ [INFO] Imported "serv-2-adult-beautiful-caucasian-914931" (Media) ------ [INFO] Imported "serv-3-adult-agreement-beard-429247" (Media) ------ [INFO] Imported "serv-4-adult-beard-blur-927022" (Media) ------ [INFO] Imported "About" (Page) ------ [INFO] Imported "" (Navigation Menu Item) ------ [INFO] Imported "" (Navigation Menu Item) ------ [INFO] New AJAX call! ------ [INFO] Imported "" (Navigation Menu Item) ------ [INFO] Imported "" (Navigation Menu Item) ------ [INFO] Imported "bg-abs-5" (Media) ------ [INFO] Imported "bgp-2-inverse" (Media) ------ [INFO] Imported "pexels-andrea-piacquadio-3756693 (1)" (Media) ------ [INFO] Imported "cropped-pexels-andrea-piacquadio-3756693-1.jpg" (Media) ------ [INFO] Imported "cropped-pexels-anna-shvets-3727508-1-1.jpg" (Media) ------ [INFO] Imported "pexels-fauxels-3184424 (1)" (Media) ------ [WARNING] Failed to import "": Invalid post type ------ [INFO] Imported "pexels-karolina-grabowska-7680214" (Media) ------ [INFO] Imported "Lorem Ipsum" (Post) ------ [INFO] Imported "Contact" (Page) ------ [INFO] Imported "404" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Archive Product" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Front Page" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Full Width" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Index" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Search" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Single Product" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Single Post" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Footer" (Template Part) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page With Left Sidebar" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page With Right Sidebar" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Custom Styles" (Global Styles) ------ [INFO] Imported "Kubio Full Width" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Kubio Page With Left Sidebar" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Kubio Page With Right Sidebar" (Template) ------ [INFO] Imported "Lorem ipsum" (Post) ------ [INFO] Imported "Lorem Ipsum" (Post) ------ [INFO] Imported "contact" (Contact Form) ------ [INFO] Imported "Front Header" (Template Part) ------ [INFO] Imported "Header" (Template Part) ------ [INFO] Imported "Sidebar" (Template Part) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page Sidebar" (Template Part) ------ [INFO] Imported "Kubio Footer" (Template Part) ------ [INFO] Imported "Kubio Header" (Template Part) ------ [INFO] Imported "Kubio Page Sidebar" (Template Part) ------ [INFO] Posts post processing ------ [INFO] Create term `elevate-wp` in `wp_theme` ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Home" (post #33) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Blog" (post #34) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "kubio-featured-image.jpg" (post #35) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "serv-1-adult-beautiful-beauty-826349.jpg" (post #28) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "serv-2-adult-beautiful-caucasian-914931.jpg" (post #29) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "serv-3-adult-agreement-beard-429247.jpg" (post #30) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "serv-4-adult-beard-blur-927022.jpg" (post #31) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "About" (post #1762) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "" (post #1769) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "" (post #1771) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "" (post #1772) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "" (post #1773) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "bg-abs-5.jpg" (post #32) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "bgp-2-inverse.png" (post #1774) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "pexels-andrea-piacquadio-3756693-1.jpg" (post #27) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "cropped-pexels-andrea-piacquadio-3756693-1.jpg" (post #36) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "cropped-pexels-anna-shvets-3727508-1-1.jpg" (post #37) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "pexels-fauxels-3184424-1.jpg" (post #38) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "pexels-karolina-grabowska-7680214.jpg" (post #1775) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Lorem Ipsum" (post #1776) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Contact" (post #1766) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "404" (post #4268) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Archive Product" (post #4269) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Front Page" (post #4270) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Full Width" (post #4271) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Index" (post #4272) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page" (post #4273) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Search" (post #4274) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Single Product" (post #4275) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Single Post" (post #4276) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Footer" (post #4277) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page With Left Sidebar" (post #4281) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page With Right Sidebar" (post #4282) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Custom Styles" (post #4286) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Kubio Full Width" (post #4287) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Kubio Page With Left Sidebar" (post #4288) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Kubio Page With Right Sidebar" (post #4289) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Lorem ipsum" (post #4547) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Lorem Ipsum" (post #4548) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "contact" (post #2460) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Front Header" (post #4278) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Header" (post #4279) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Sidebar" (post #4280) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page Sidebar" (post #4283) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Kubio Footer" (post #4290) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Kubio Header" (post #4291) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Kubio Page Sidebar" (post #4292) ------ [INFO] Starting remapping of featured images ------ [INFO] Remapping featured image ID 15 to new ID 35 for post ID 1776 ------ [INFO] Remapping featured image ID 15 to new ID 35 for post ID 4547 ------ [INFO] Remapping featured image ID 15 to new ID 35 for post ID 4548